Tierney Alina Eddy

About the Author:

Tierney Alina Eddy was a nerd before it was trendy and is now cashing in on her coolness in the form of epic spice novels! A lover of binge watching and binge reading, she’s usually got her nose in a book or is chasing her spawn around.

She loves writing about real issues we face in many different settings and through her complex characters. Mental health and overcoming trauma are always front and center in her work, for reading, movies and shows have always helped her through the hard time and she hopes her books will do the same for others.

Consumption by Tierney Alina Eddy

Read more about Consumption by Tierney Alina Eddy including a full list of Trigger Warnings.


Creep by Tierney Alina Eddy

Creep is a Taboo Rockstar Romance. This book is banned on Amazon but available in ebook format on Eden Books. Read the list of trigger warnings before diving in.

Buy Creep

The Book of Claw: The Awakening by Tierney Alina Eddy

Read more about The Book of Claw: The Awakening by Tierney Alina Eddy including a full list of Trigger Warnings.

Buy The Book of Claw

Contact Information

For questions or business inquiries please email Tierney at authortierneyalinaeddy@gmail.com